Cycling for dummies

Just starting with cycling, and need some tips and tricks to get you going? We have compiled a list of videos for you to watch so that you know all the basics!

Choosing your bike

Step 1 of starting with cycling is to buy a road bike. There are many different brands, sizes, and price ranges to choose from. If you don’t intend to spend a lot of money, buying second-hand from (the Dutch version of Ebay) is a great option. To select the correct size, the video below should help you out!

Choosing your cycling gear

To ride safely and comfortably, there is more to it than just the bike. A few good websites to buy cycling materials are Mantel and Futuremshop. We recommend getting the following pieces of kit:

  • Helmet (Mandatory!)
    • Don’t cheap out on a helmet, they also age, so buy a new one!
    • Consider investing in a helmet with MIPS technology, designed to reduce the impacts that rotate the skull around the brain.
  • Clip-on shoes + pedals
    • Clip-on shoes and pedals greatly increase your ability to push power. You will be able to use your entire pedal stroke, including the upstroke, because you’re attached to your pedals.
    • There are different types on the market but the most commonly used are the Shimano SPD-SL cleats, specifically the yellow type.
  • Cycling clothes
    • Wearing proper cycling clothing is most comfortable during riding, and makes you look like a pro!
    • Make sure you dress appropriately for the weather. In the cold, wear layers of kit, and a thermal base layer. Top it off with a wind body, overshoes, and long gloves!
    • Always wear the Squadra clothes during our training and rides!
  • Other accessories (can be handy if you get more into cycling!)
    • Glasses
    • Bidon (Bottle)
    • Bike computer
    • Bike lights (mandatory when riding in the dark!)
    • Saddlebag
  • Spares and tools
    • Buy a few 28″ innertubes, a pump, tire levers, and a multitool, you are responsible for fixing your own flats!
    • See below how to change a flat tire!

Your first ride!

  • Bring FOOD! Especially high in carbohydrates! Make sure you eat at least every hour, and drink too. Some popular snacks are the Dutch “peperkoek”, winegums, bananas, energybars, or gels.
  • Bring all TOOLS needed to change a flat.
  • Make a ROUTE beforehand, a great app for this is Komoot.
  • Keep it SAFE! The open road is not a race track, so stick to the traffic rules!
  • Watch the video below as a summary and don’t forget to have FUN!

Riding in a group

At the Squadra Thursday training we ride in a big group. This can be scary at first, but if everyone communicates well, there is nothing to worry about! First watch the video below, and then read the tips below that apply to Squadra specifically!

During group rides, the principle is always “together out, together home.” (Samen uit, samen thuis). No one gets dropped. If someone is dropped, communicate this to the group!

Riding in a peloton can only go well with effective communication, both verbal and non-verbal.

Hand Signals used for cycling in the Netherlands:

  • Wave on your left at hip height for oncoming traffic and objects on the left.
  • Wave on your right at hip height for following traffic and objects on the right.
  • Raise hand to signal a stop.
  • Move the flat hand downward to indicate slowing down.
  • Extend hand for left or right turns.

Group Calls:

There are situations where it’s crucial to shout specific phrases. These include:

  • Obstacles in the middle of the road, such as a bollard or pothole, just shout: “Hole” or “Paaltje”
  • Traffic from behind: ‘Achter!’
  • Oncoming traffic: ‘Tegen!’
  • When crossing: ‘Vrij!’ or ‘Auto links/rechts!”
  • If the group has split up: ‘Wachten!’
  • And ‘Compleet!’ after everyone has regrouped after a corner or red light.

Cleaning and maintaining your bike

After a muddy ride, it is essential to clean your bike. It is usually the easiest if you do this right after your ride, that way the mud does not stick. To get you started, watch the video below! It is very extensive, you can get away with a little bit less, but for the full clean it is a great example!